When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul …
@suitestpee ♓️ #piscesseason #222222 • #asabovesobelow #numerology #spiritualtiktok #pisces #pisces♓️ #abuelitamedicine #astrologysigns #humanexperience #222
The Light of Love magnetises everything into Unity Consciousness through inner Stillness, Silence and Kindness towards a world in transition where little is what it seems.
It shrinks in the Noise of polarising behaviour and distorted perceptions of who is ‘right and who is wrong’..everytime.
We each hold the collective beauty as well as the collective drama within ourselves..within our Inner universe, the micro to the macro. All of Existence is within you as it is without. This is not a metaphor but very real indeed.
It is therefore our responsibility and privilege to not only understand the power we each hold within us but to act upon it by recalibrating the human collective hurricane to Inner Balance on a daily basis.
All work that needs to be done for our planetary reality to rise is WITHIN each and everyone of us. This is a planet of free will and choice that can’t and won’t be interfered with. No galactic federation is coming to do OUR job here. The agreement was always for us in human form, to rise back in consciousness collectively to a high enough lightquotient to meet our star families as the absolute equals we are in truth. Not as our saviours..but as our Mirrors.
Love asks us to take full responsibility for our collective creations Within, and focus on the balance of unconditional Peace within our Hearts, without constantly adding fuel to everything that is enticing us away from whom we truly are.
All of us hold the divine power within Our Hearts to transform this world beyond recognition.
WE Are the Universal Alchemists we have been waiting for..right Here..right Now..✨𓋹✨
❇️ Saskia Tara’nahara
@suitestpee 🦅 #piscesseason #eaglemedicine for the #soul 💓 #eagle #eagles #animaltotem #soundhealing #cymatics #frequency #spiritanimal #222 #selfcareissacred #abuelitamedicine
Healing from trauma – which I am defining here as chronically suppressed emotion – can sometimes feel like going through severe turbulence on a night flight. When your squished-down grief, terror, shame and rage decide to break through the ego’s defences and surge into conscious awareness, when you start to un-freeze and contact the raw and inconvenient truth of what’s inside you, it can feel really disorienting, uncomfortable, can feel unsafe and unnatural, can feel like you’ve lost control, can feel like it will never end and you’ll be stuck in darkness forever. But the turbulence is perfectly safe, and normal, and healthy! And it will pass, and your flight WILL arrive at its destination, and you WILL heal.
In the midst of the turbulence of emotion, it’s easy to get lost in thinking and fantasy, in fast-forwarding the movie, leaving the present and imagining the future. “This is too much”. “It’s going to get worse”. “I’m going to die”. “Something is going horribly wrong”. “I am broken”. “I need to get off this damn flight…”
But emotional turbulence is not a sign of your failure or brokenness, just as actual turbulence on a flight is not a sign that you have gone off course, or the pilot has lost control, or the airplane is broken, or the destination is now impossible to reach.
Emotion is always safe, even if it sometimes feels unsafe in its intensity. The body can be trusted absolutely. Intensity is not inherently dangerous. Planes are built to withstand even the most extreme turbulence. And so you learn to breathe through the discomfort, and lean in to the rawness of the moment, and this is how even the deepest trauma is ultimately healed. Through love. Through deep acceptance. Through faith. Through penetrating even our most profound discomfort with a loving awareness. Through coming out of our minds, out of our futures, and into our present bodies…
Trust the turbulence, friend; it means that you’re soaring.
✨ #JeffFoster 🏵 @jefffosterofficial 👈🏽💙•
A Poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
The moment I die,
I will try to come back to you
as quickly as possible.
I promise it will not take long.
Isn’t it true
I am already with you,
as I die each moment?
I come back to you
in every moment.
Just look,
Feel my presence.
If you want to cry,
please cry.
And know
That I will cry with you.
The tears you shed
will heal us both.
Your tears are mine.
The earth I tread this morning
transcends history.
Spring and Winter are both present in the moment.
The young leaf and the dead leaf are really one.
My feet touch deathlessness,
and my feet are yours.
Walk with me now.
Let us enter the dimension of oneness
And see the cherry tree blossom in Winter.
Why should we talk about death?
I don’t need to die
to be back with you.
Call Me By My True Names: The Collected Poems of Thich Nhat Hanh (1993)
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